How to Start a Podcast


I used to get this once a week, then once a day, “Shelby, Can we meet for coffee? I want to start a podcast.”

I love coffee, (bring on some cold brew, and I’m pretty chatty). I wanted to help more people like you reach their goals.
When I started my first podcast, I made some mistakes. I overpaid an editor. I paid too much attention to social media (audio listeners are on audio, not Instagram), and I cared too much about my show notes because I am a writer. Do you read show notes when you listen to podcasts? 
With Joe Rogan garnering $100Million for his podcast last week in a major deal with Spotify, the market is strong, and audio isn’t going away.
That’s where Zero BS Podcasing comes in.
It’s a six part course I recorded live with people like you from all types of businesses – a woman who owns a chain of fresh-pressed juice restaurants, a luxury real estate agent, a fitness coach, corporate coach, a few people who work for major Fortune 100 brands, the owner of a digital marketing agency, a doctor, and outdoor enthusiasts and surfers – my kinda’ people.
I received feedback from listeners like Courtney, saying the course helped them land sponsors.

“Shelby gave great feedback and practical advice on where to start when reaching out to potential sponsors and show partners. We actually landed our first show partner and are in talks with a few other companies!”-- Courtney Condy, Occupation Wild
 “Loved this webinar - it has been the most helpful and resourceful podcast experience I have had so far!” --- Anne Julian, Host of Grey Matters Now Podcast
Please let me know how you like it and what else you want to dive deeper into.
If you prefer one-on-one feedback, I also offer podcast consultations to help you get started and a podcast audit for established podcasts looking to maximize your potential. You can book with me here.

Shelby Stanger