Big Kid Energy

I bet you’ve heard of BDE. If you haven’t, look it up. It might make you laugh and give you insight into my sense of humor, which is still trapped in the brain of a 12 -year-old.

My last newsletter was on RADICAL REST . I got some funny comments about that one and learned we all have different definitions of rest. My idea of Radical Rest is not a cocktail on a beach at a resort. It’s going on an adventure, away from my screen, and getting into some trees, hiking, exploring, dancing, playing with kids, leaving room in my day for spontaneity and not over-planning, and making jokes until I laugh so hard that my belly hurts. For me, Radical Rest always involves leaning into some serious BKE.


I spent 48 hours last week in Big Bear Lake, California, a three-hour drive from my home, where I went on two magical hikes, rented an old bike, jumped off a rock into a cold lake, and then came home to a weekend of playing in the pool and the beach, acting as the camp counselor to almost a dozen kids. I watched light TV shows, boogie boarded and surfed until my eyes turned red, and ate homemade banana ice cream way past my normal bedtime.

BKE might look different for you, but for me, it’s always playing so hard during the day and being so full of joy from the deep connections shared with loved ones, and spontaneous moments that arise from not over-planning, that when your head hits the pillow, you are out. Like a light. No waking up in the middle of the night or anxiety about having to do x, y, or z… It should feel like being at summer camp, where you go to bed with a smile and can’t wait for the next day.

That is RADICAL RESTING for me. And leaning into BKE is a big part of it.

The last five days of Radical Resting and leaning into BKE have left me recharged in a way I haven’t been for a while. I am ready to go back to speaking, book touring, and taking on new clients (so many of you signed up last week, thank you). I have a few more book events coming up and a new date for Santa Monica, Los Angeles REI Co-op on August 23rd at 5 pm, so please sign up here if you can make it.

With summer in full effect and the heat rising, I hope reading this will help you lean into some BKE this month. Whether it’s having an old-fashioned (yet eco-friendly) water balloon fight, hosting a dance party at 4 pm, making S’mores in your microwave, or reviving an old activity from summer camp, have some fun, ditch the heavy stuff for a while (that means heavy conversations, heavy TV shows, heavy podcasts, and deep self-help books) and keep it light. The break should leave you feeling revived and restored.

I am trying something new thanks to a few of your requests. I am adding some recs and things that have caught my attention.


RIDING: I just demoed this new surfboard, the G Skate, from Channel Islands. The Gudauskas Bros (who are coming up on the REI Wild Ideas Worth Living Podcast) modeled it after a skateboard. While riding it, I’ve received the most hoots and hollers I’ve had in a while. It also makes me feel like a kid.

OGLING: I saw a few people in Big Bear Lakes carrying this foldable kayak. I had no idea kayak technology has come so far, but it looked pretty sweet and easy to carry.

HIKING: This hike in Big Bear Blew me away. It was vibrant and green, well shaded and hard enough to make me feel like I got in a workout, but easy enough that it only took us three-hours round trip.

WATCHING: This documentary on Snowboarder Shaun White is so far entertaining. I’ll also be checking out the new surf girl documentary series on Amazon Prime, called Surf Girls of Hawaii. Brian Keaulana, (the guy who coached me into my magical Mentawais wave) has a daughter in this show who gives equally sage advice to the female surfers.

READING: I interviewed author and former Oprah Mag editor Susan Casey on an upcoming REI Wild Ideas Podcast and her new book about the deep ocean blew me away. About 70% of our planet is made up of the ocean, but about 95% of the ocean is the deep ocean, much of which we have NEVER explored. For her book, Susan explores parts in more than one submersible.

SAVORING: This review on Amazon about Will to Wild really touched me. Thank you. You can still write a review on GoodReads, Amazon or, even if you didn't buy the book there. They mean a TON to me as an author.

EATING: Banana vegan ice cream: Add frozen bananas and coconut milk with ice, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of salt and cinnamon into a blender. Blend, then eat immediately. Roasted Eggplant and Zucchini chips. Directions: Cut up eggplant or zucchini into rounds, lightly coat with avocado or olive oil, season with salt and pepper and bake until brown.

WILL TO WILD EVENTS California and Utah

And let me know how you enjoy leaning into BKE!