The Power of Being an Outdoor Guide or Instructor

This was my office in 2011. I’d quit a stable, lucrative job to become a surf instructor. My mom thought I was crazy! It seemed irresponsible on paper, but I’d argue that being an outdoor guide is probably one of the best, most fun and impactful jobs you can have. What other job can you get where you are in charge of someone’s life in their hands, someone who is often from a completely different social sphere than you, and also indirectly in charge of their joy, and perhaps, even, a life changing experience this fast.

When I taught surf lessons, it brought me massive joy as well. Mostly because students would come, often a little nervous, sometimes pale and tired from their daily lives. They’d have to face fear, overcome it, possibly partake in some shenanigans, and have some thrilling, courage building experiences. They’d return home and shortly after I’d often get a call from a few of them that said something like, “Shelby I quit my crappy job to start my dream. I ended a bad relationship.. for good, or I am finally moving across the country to a beach.” The changes they would make for the positive would keep going and going.

This is POWERFUL stuff, and just after a weeklong surf clinic. So if you ever get the chance to work as a ski instructor. Surf instructor, a rock climbing guide, whitewater rafting guide, whatever, do it! We interviewed Laurie Watt for REI’s Wild Ideas Worth Living Podcast and my book, Will to Wild. Laurie became an ice climbing guide at age 55, and since she’s already changed so many lives of others.

If you want to do an adventure and you are scared, and don’t know where to start, hire a guide, or join a group with a guide. Take a rock climbing lesson, a surf lesson, go with a guided group hike. It’s often way cheaper than you think for an hour or two lesson, and they provide the gear and assurance of safety so you can get out there with confidence, ease and just do it.

This is a big part of the message in my book and talks this year. I am all about getting on the trail the easiest way and also about celebrating the joy of amazing outdoor careers like guiding. Thanks to Surf Diva for one of the best jobs in my life.