High Off Adrenaline and Gratitude

If I ever wanted to try 5-hour-energy or experiment with extreme caffeine, this was the week. My first TEDx talk and book launch along with a lot of media interviews, including two news stations, all fell on the same week. Somehow I made it through stone-cold sober high on adrenaline and endorphins, from so much support from friends, family and all of you. Thank you!

Preparing a TEDx talk was intense. I rewrote my speech dozens of times. And spent hours and hours practicing, rehearsing, and memorizing. I even took my speech running, and enjoyed the funny stares I got from people I passed as I shouted out my lines.

But it was awesome, as I got to open the whole thing and it was a rush! I will post the video as soon as TEDx posts it. The best part, is I got to connect with people in the San Diego community helping create change across so many different sectors from healthcare to homelessness, climate change and more. I really believe you are the sum of the people you spend the most time with and I enjoyed connecting with those in the community doing such great work.

Last night we did an event in Los Angeles at Diesel Books with my sister, Felicia, and it was a blast. Friends and family from near and far showed up, combined with total strangers which made it feel like Thanksgiving dinner where my mom always invited random people she met on the street, sometimes that day. I loved it!

Thank you for being on this ride with me. You can find out more about Will to Wild here and if you want to connect in person check out my upcoming book events here.