Podcast Hour

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“A Professional is Expensive,
An Amateur Will Cost You a Fortune.”

I'm often asked to ‘jump on a quick call' to answer questions about starting a podcast. Unfortunately, I simply don't have the availability to meet for coffee or spend all day on the phone.

If you simply want to “pick my brain”, my Podcast Consultation is the perfect way to get started and get personalized feedback.

If you need help with your podcast? Or maybe you are just getting started or you have a podcast and you are ready to grow or reach out to sponsors?

This is my zone of genius.

If you want to cut out some of the guesswork and tap into my experience of launching, pitching, producing, and monetizing highly successful podcast launches. My Podcast Consultation is the perfect way to get started.

Because of my schedule, this is your best opportunity to ask me anything related to getting your podcast started, or questions about how to improve your existing show.

Our conversation will take place at home or in your office (if you still have access to your office now). We can meet over Zoom or the phone.

If you are just getting started another great place to start is with my Zero B.S. Podcasting course. You can go at your own pace and refer back to the classes anytime.

To get started just book your consultation and we can schedule from there.

Shelby Stanger